Thursday, March 11, 2010

God's Protection during Travel

We are thankful for God's protection as we traveled to Sabga on Sunday.

In the few days before we left, we started hearing the noise of the brakes grinding. The brakes got weaker and weaker as we drove to Sabga. We are thankful that the brakes lasted until we got there.

Just before Sabga, there is a big pothole between two curves in the road. It covers most of the width of the road; so most people go onto the shoulder on one side of the road to avoid it. As we rounded the curve approaching it, there was a car coming rather quickly from the other direction. He was on the shoulder on our side of the road. Danny did not think the other car would be able to make it back to its side of the road before we reached it; so he started moving toward the left side of the road. The other car then began moving to that side of the road; so Danny slammed on what was left of the brakes and started moving back to the right side of the road. The cars missed each other, but the other car ended up in the ditch off the left side of the road. We pulled over and made sure everyone was all right; then we continued our trip. We are thankful that God protected us and that nothing worse happened.

We arrived in Sabga and got the work done on the car (including getting the brakes fixed). We had a good time while we were there and are thankful for the rest we got while we were there.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Travel Plans

Thank you to all of those who prayed for my mother's surgery. It seems to have gone well. They did not have to amputate the toe but only had to clean out the infection and take off part of the toe.

We are planning to leave tomorrow to travel to Sabga (about 3 1/2 hours away) to visit some missionaries and have some work done on our car. We plan to stay for a few days depending on how long the car work takes.

We finished the 3rd quarter of the Institute for this year. We will take a week off and start the 4th quarter next week. I will be teaching Hebrew, Sermon Delivery, and a one-week intensive course on the Corinthian Epistles (April 19-23); and I will be writing a written correspondence course for Introduction to the Old Testament. We had planned continue videotaping some courses this quarter but will not be able to because the camera needs to be repaired. Pray that we will be able to get the repairs done and have someone bring it back out in a couple of months.

Continue to pray for our church here in Foumban. We are having a Family Conference March 18-21. We are also having the installation service for the deacons on March 21. We are continuing to teach an evangelism program in Sunday School. Pray that people will have a burden for evangelism and attend the classes to learn how to witness effectively.