Our Testimonies

Danny's Testimony

I was brought up in a Christian home and began attending Thrifthaven Baptist Church at the age of ten. I was saved at the age of twelve on a Sunday morning after Pastor Charles Britt preached from 1 John about overcoming the world. I realized that although I had been in church all my life and had gone through the "prayer" of salvation before, my heart had not been changed. I went forward, and one of the deacons went through the plan of salvation with me. That day I accepted Christ.

As a teenager, I surrendered my life to do whatever God wanted me to do. He soon began to lead me towards full-time Christian service and confirmed that call during a Neighborhood Bible Time meeting at my church. God led me to pursue a degree in Christian education at Pensacola Christian College.
After two years of teaching at Thrifthaven Baptist Academy, I felt God leading me to move on. After pursuing several interests with God closing the door each time, I considered missions. God continually opened the door for training. I had become interested in missions because of meeting and spending time with Carrie Webster. I began attending Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary to prepare for missions work. After a year of seminary, God gave me a definite call to missions and preaching during a missions trip to Mexico with the teenagers from my church. As we drove past many small villages, I could see in each of them the steeple of the Catholic church there. One of the other adults on the trip pointed out that there was probably little or no gospel witness in those towns. Immediately, God brought to my mind Romans 10:14: "How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they hear without a preacher?" From that point on, it has been clear to me that it is God's will for me to be a preacher and to serve Him on the foreign mission field.
After that time, God increased my burden for the people of Africa, especially for the tribes that do not have great access to the Gospel or do not have the Bible in their own language. I continued my seminary studies and earned a Master of Divinity in 2000. During a four-month trip to Cameroon later that year, God continued to confirm His call to preach and to missions. I was accepted by Gospel Fellowship Association in Greenville, South Carolina to return to Cameroon as a career missionary in 2001.